Saturday, February 9, 2008

Signs of intelligent life!

It's been a rough week in Jacksonville. The Grand Jury's presentment was a round of Kumbya for civic involvement, while letting Them Get Away With It. The State Ethics Commission is set to potentially allow hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal entertainment and booze expenses to go unpunished because those silly politicians and their hangers-on thought partying like Paris and Britney with taxpayer money was a "perk" of their job. And half the leadership of the city, with spouses and other hangers-on, are set to do it all again, only this time down old Shanghai way. Yeah, a rough week for the taxpayer and work-a-day folks in New Cowford (same as the Old Cowford).

But this week had its bright spots. Leslie Goller, corruption-fighting Super-Esq, was revealed as the official Complainer and Whistleblower of the illegal entertainment and booze expenses. Art Shad struck a blow for runner's rights. The JaxOutLoud crew has been working overtime to keep 'em honest. And through wonderful happenstance, I was connected to kindred spirit and fellow law-blogger Colony Jax. His stuff is outstanding. He posts about things that I would if I weren't talking about shoes and iPhones.

So, signs of intelligent life in Jacksonville are reassuring. They give me, cynical and jaded me, hope for the future. Some idea, perhaps, that things will get better.

The buzz and good feelings will soon turn to the special election being held for the City Council District 10 seat. There's talk of building a movement around one candidate who can storm into the St. James Building and take on the tax-increasers and promise-breakers. As always I stand ready, willing, and able to assist in getting that person elected. (I'm just not telling anyone that I recently moved to CC10 myself. No, no, no... I'm not ready to go down That Road again.)


Anonymous said...

You said a mouthful, my friend! Great post and thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Anonymous said...

It is indeed time to take a stand and push a movement to finally clean up this town. It's up to other likeminded individuals, so I'll also make a blog push for and (yes, that is the actual site).

Jimmy Midyette said...

Thanks, jbm and colony... The key to the change we seek is to keep pushing. As we connect the islands of rational thinkers in Jacksonville, we'll build a patchwork majority that can get things done!